1976 Jimmy Carter at Marquette University 03-25-1976
The date of March 25, 1976 will be imbedded in my mind for a long time. It was my second brush with a US president as the first one was President Gerald Ford when he appeared in Chicago in 1974 (as seen in the "Turks Get Out of Cyprus" album on my website). The main reason for my trip to Milwaukee was to use spring break from the University of Illinois, Chicago to see Jimmy Carter while he was campaigning in the Midwest. It was easy getting into the lecture hall where he was speaking to the media, students and others. The first photos are from the back of the lecture hall and I continued photographing him from up close without impediment. With a 50mm lens you must move as close as possible to get a fair amount of detail and from the results it looks like I did.
The reason for scanning these photos today is that the announcement of Jimmy Carter's passing into the great beyond. With his great amount of faith, I'm sure that he rests in the bosom of Abraham. May his memory be eternal in the big peanut farm in the sky!
© Diane Alexander White PHOTOGRAPHY