Here is the 2009 Indo-Pak Parade on Devon and Western Avenue in a neighborhood that is also known as Chicago's Little India. The 15 block stretch features a commercial district that is a blend of Indian and Pakistani residents and businesses. The parade kicked off at noon on August 15, 2009 to a packed crowd of watchers, marchers and floats. Former Governor Pat Quinn can be seen marching in the parade in #13A & 14A and former Cook County Board President Todd Stroger can be seen in #20A. Scroll further down to see Secretary of State Jesse White and the Jesse White tumblers in ROLL 2 _04A & 5A. Do you see anyone else that looks familiar? The goal is to preserve the past for future generations. Since the time that these photos were taken, the Indian and Pakistani community have split off into two separate parades to mark the independence of their respective nations.