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Photo Info

Dimensions5040 x 3396
Original file size7.8 MB
Image typeJPEG
Color spacesRGB
Date modified14-Feb-23 00:01
Shooting Conditions

Camera makePlustek
Camera modelOpticFilm 8200i
NEW YORK 1977_14

NEW YORK 1977_14

We begin with iron gates and proceed to Hunting World which is still in business today and sells high-end gear for the hunter and traveler in you. The MOMA Cafe is in Frames #5 & 6 backlit by the afternoon sun. Frame #7 is a Chanel store window with the iconic camellia fabric flower before Karl Lagerfeld came on the scene to upend the brand in 1982. We toured MOMA where I photographed Andy Warhol by Jamie Wyeth in Frame #8, the David Gammon turntable in 9 & 10 and Kim Moke in Frame #11 against a painting that mimics the colors she is wearing. One of my top 10 photos is the elderly lady dressed to the hilt in Frame #12 while out for a stroll past St. Patrick's Cathedral on a Sunday morning. The Pulitzer Fountain in front of Grand Army Plaza on 5th Avenue can be seen in Frames #13 & 15. The Central Park crowd can be seen soaking up the rays on park benches, as a chef takes a break from, “A Taste of the Big Apple” festival. We see smiles from the dudes in Frame #22 &23, a dad holding a child and unicyles making their way through the park. Italian tourists pose in Frames #26 through 30 after their appointments to Sassoons on 5th Avenue. We fly to Rome where you see two ends of the Colosseum and a vendor hawking home made flutes while a tourist gives it a try. Next stop, the beautiful island of Corfu on the Ionion Sea.